
Please note, we regularly check and update this document to be more user friendly and understandable.

if we've mentioned [] - required argument & <> - optional argument

❥ Server Currency System

Command Name

/balance <@user>

/balance /balance user : @josephjm

check yours (or) someone else accounts

/farm plant [crop : crops]

/farm plant crops : wheat

plant some crops and harvest to earn server currency

/farm harvest

/farm harvest

harvested the planted crops to earn server currency

/slot [amount : value#]

/slot amount : 10

gambling with a lump sum of money, depending on matches you will lose/gain currency



search in depth and earn server currency

/roll-dice [amount : value#]

/roll-dice amount : 10

gambling with lump sum money more than 90 lets you earn 3x, and 100 lets you earn 9x; otherwise, you lose the amount you bet

/give coins [@user] [amount #]

/give coins user : @josephjm amount : 50000

give server currency to another player

/server-shop give [item] [@user] <amount #>

/server -shop give item : cookies user : @josephjm amount : 2

give a server item to another player. this will work if only the item is giftable.

/server-shop show

/server-shop show

view the server's shop, only "manage guild" permitted members can add items to the shop with /server-shop create

/server-shop buy [item] <amount #>

/server-shop buy item : cookies /server-shop buy item : cookies amount : 2

buy an item from the server's shop. optionally, choose the amount you'd like to buy.

♦ Server Staff Command (need "Manage Guild" permission)

Command Name



show the settings which you've customized for the server.

/setup currency [symbol]

/setup embedcolor [hex code]

/setup embedcolor hex code : #F6C2C2

set leno responses embed color based on your server theme

/setup leavechannel [#channel]

/setup leavechannel channel : #leavechannel

sets the channel to get notified for member's leaving

/setup leave [message]

/setup leave message : embedmessage

sets the server's leave message for when a user leave's the server

/setup levelchannel [#channel]

/setup levelchannel channel : #levelchannel

sets the channel to get notified for member's leveling

/setup level [message]

/setup level message : embedmessage

sets the server's level message for when a user level up in the server

/setup welcomechannel [#channel]

/setup welcomechannel channel : #welcomechannel

sets the channel to get notified for member's joining

/setup welcome [message]

/setup welcome message : embedmessage

sets the server's leave message for when a user join's the server

/setup levelimage [imageurl]

/setup levelimage image :

sets the server's level image for the level profile

/setup welcomerole [@role]

/setup welcomerole role : @newjoin

set a welcome role to make sure the new user's are getting a red carpet welcome.

/setup slot_earnings [minimum #] [maximum #]

/setup slot_earnings minimum : 10 maximum : 1000

sets the min, max amount for /slot command.

✯ Server Shop Creation (need "Manage Guild" permission)

Command Name

/server-shop create [name] [price #] [stock #] <description> <reply> <role> <reward-role> <giftable>

/server-shop create name : cookies price : 20 stock : 10 /server-shop create name : cookies price : 20 stock : 0 description : let's have a cookie

create an item to the server shop, to view the shop use /server-shop show Note : for unlimited stock, use 0 in stock.

/server-shop edit [item] [name]

/server-shop edit item : cookies name : pancake

edits an existing item's name to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [price #]

/server-shop edit item : cookies price : 10

edits an existing item's price to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [stock #]

/server-shop edit item : cookies stock : 10 for unlimited stock example is below /server-shop edit item : cookies stock : 0

edits an existing item's stock to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [description]

/server-shop edit item : cookies description : it's cookie time!!

edits an existing item's description to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [reply]

/server-shop edit item : cookies reply : thanks for buying a cookie!!

edits an existing item's reply to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [role]

/server-shop edit item : cookies role : @cutie

edits an existing item's role to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [reward-role]

/server-shop edit item : cookies role : @butterbean

edits an existing item's reward-role to view the shop /server-shop show

/server-shop edit [item] [giftable]

/server-shop edit item : cookies giftable : yes

edits an existing item's giftable or not to view the shop /server-shop show if "NO" means you can't give particular item to another user.

/server-shop delete [item]

/server-shop delete item : cookie

delete the item's from the shop

✯ Autoresponder & Embed system (needed MANAGE GUILD permissions)

Command Name

/embed list

/embed list

lists the embeds created by your server managers

/embeds create name: [embed name] description: [embed description]

/embeds create name: rules description: Server Rules {newline} Respect everyone {newline} Treat everyone equally

the description field Note: desktop users are unable to create new lines within slash commands. so you can, use {newline} where a new line is needed.

/embeds edit name: [embed name] color: <hex code>

/embeds edit name: rules color: #fcc7e1

edit's the embeds color section with a valid hexcode

/embeds edit name: [embed name] description: [embed description]

/embeds edit name: rules description: Server Rules {newline} Respect everyone {newline} Treat everyone equally

edit the embeds of description field Note: desktop users are unable to create new lines within slash commands. so you can, use {newline} where a new line is needed.

/embed edit name: [embed name] thumbnail : [imageURL]

/embed edit name: rules thumbnail :

edits the embeds thumbnail image

/embed edit name: [embed name] image: [imageURL]

/embed edit name: rules image :

edits the embeds main image

/embed edit name: [embed name] footer: [text]

/embed edit name: rules footer: - powered by leno]

edits the embeds footer text

/embed edit name: [embed name] footer-image: [imageURL]

/embed edit name: rules footer-image :

edits the embeds footer image

/embed edit name: [embed name] author: [text]

/embed edit name: rules author: leno

edits the embeds author text

/embed edit name: [embed name] author-image: [imageURL]

/embed edit name: rules author-image :

edits the embeds author image

/embed edit name: [embed name] title: [text]

/embed edit name: rules title: leno

edits the embeds title text

/autoresponder create [trigger] [response]

/autoresponder create trigger:hey response:halo dude

create an autoresponder to the server

/autoresponder edit [trigger] [response]

/autoresponder edit trigger:hey response:hey buddy!

edits the autoresponder's response

/autoresponder edit [trigger] [embed]

/autoresponder edit trigger:hey embed:FCC7E1

edits the autoresponder's embed

/autoresponder edit [trigger] [prize]

/autoresponder edit trigger:pancake prize:100

edits the autoresponder's prize, for custom server specific economy command

/autoresponder edit [trigger] [cooldown]

/autoresponder edit trigger:pancake cooldown:60Seconds

edits the autoresponder's cooldown, for custom server specific economy command & autoresponder commands too.

/autoresponder show

/autoresponder show

shows the list of the server's current autoresponders

/autoresponder delete [trigger]

/autoresponder delete trigger:pancake

delete the specific autoresponder from the server list

Last updated