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cuties tickets also known as tokens (or) tokiee, which is a global currency used primarily for cuties & cutie related items which can be available on /token shop
if you don't know where you can find the tokens, we got you covered below image for your reference. the peach color box highlight the token which is present below your server currency 🍪.
you can earning the tokens in various ways, by voting, by joining giveaway, being a beta tester and much more..
the vital part of gaining the tokens is by voting.
you can type /vote
to get the link of portal to vote and support us. even you can just click here we will take you there to vote : click me!
by voting and supporting leno will reward you with 1 tokens every 12 hours. sponsors and donators will gain 2 tokens for voting during weekends.
as a community we used to do a giveaway party on weekends!, where you will gain a cuties pack which may be small, medium, big
depends on the drops.
small pack contains 10 to 12 tokens
medium contain 15 to 22 tokens
and large pack contains 25 to 38 tokens
these are very hard to win, so we suggest you to vote daily to earn a reward, maintaining a vote streak will give you additional bonus.